Shipping Delivery
We are delighted to offer shipping to the United States and Canada for orders over $99, with a shipping fee of $7.99 for orders under that amount. All orders will be processed within 2 business days, and we use USPS for shipping.
Delivery time for orders is typically 7-10 business days
Destination | Shipping Cost | Shipping Days |
United States (Orders $99 or Over) | Free | 7-10 business days |
United States (Orders under $99) | $7.99 | 7-10 business days |
Canada (Orders $99 or Over) | Free | 7-10 business days |
Canada (Orders under $99) | $7.99 | 7-10 business days |
You will receive the tracking link email once your order's been shipped.
If you don't receive your order in 12 business days or you have any other questions or concerns about shipping and delivery, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at
We are not responsible for any customs duties incurred during delivery.
We are committed to providing you with the best possible shopping experience and are always here to help.